
Market Overview

Cairn remains uniquely positioned to meet the growing demand for new homes across a broad and widening customer base and deliver on our growth agenda.

Our investment in the markets we serve

Ireland entered 2023 from an economic position of relative strength and further robust growth looks set to underpin sustained demand for housing, albeit at a more modest level, in what continues to a be a structurally undersupplied market.

Our investment <span>in the markets we serve</span>
Demand drivers
Demand drivers


Number of people in employment at December 2022, representing Ireland’s highest ever employment levels.


Household savings growth between December 2019 and December 2022.


Tax collected by the exchequer in 2022.


Forecast Modified Domestic Demand (MDD) growth in 2023.


Projected population in 2050 according to Housing Commission estimates.

42k – 62k

New homes required annually until 2050 according to Housing Commission estimates.

Annual Report 2022 Market Overview

Owning Vs Renting

With Government supports ownership is significantly cheaper than rental.

Read More in our Annual Report 2022

Owning Vs Renting

Housing for All

Government’s “Housing for All” strategy to deliver 300,000 new homes by 2030. The Minister for Housing, Darragh O’Brien TD, launched the Government’s signature housing policy, “Housing for All” in September 2021. The plan commits to a €4 billion annual investment in housing and sets yearly targets across social, affordable and cost rental housing. 

Read More in our Annual Report 2022

Housing for All
Built For Good

Annual Report 2022

With a mature and scaled operating platform, our business has the resources and capabilities to deliver a wide choice of sustainable new homes where people and communities will thrive. Read our 2022 Annual Report to find out more.

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Annual Report 2022